Friday afternoon was filled with a nice long nap and capped off with Painting With a Twist for girls night out. I found my inner-painter. And loads of wine. And it was a great way to start off the weekend. Check out my very impressive artwork:) I think I will keep my day job, but for a first time painting it was very fun.

The rest of the weekend was spent with my family and my wonderful boyfriend's family, who have opened their arms, hearts and home to me. Funny, filled with kids and family, long-happy marriages, and I fit right in! And the boyfriend fit right into my family as well. We feel like we have been each other's lives forever, our families fit together perfectly, and we love spending time together. The boyfriend's 98 year old grandpa, with no filter mind you, asked why we weren't married yet! Lol. That sure got the families going. But it sure didn't scare my man off. What a relief. We both know we are getting married, it is this unspoken feeling of love, commitment, laughter, protection, family, security, and fate.....And it is THE BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD.
From movies, to playing rock band, walking in downtown Royal Oak, Plymouth and Birmingham, playing with our cousins and nieces and nephews, watching Boy Meets World Together, hanging out with our siblings and meeting each other's friends. Watching sports games together (And for a change from my past relationships, he actually CARES and UNDERSTANDS what is going on in the game!) My brother and my man get along famously, which is so important to me.
This weekend was spent sleeping in, going out to brunch with each other, movies, dinners with friends, and games, hours of time with just "us." Laughing at each other and talking about growing up. Filling in each other on our lives, our histories, and the road that lead us to each other.
He is calm, and has great perspective. He supports every decision. He has really given me good advice about my surgery, but ultimately still respects my decision to be independent and make my own decisions. He is confident, and self-assured, independent and funny, understands a dry sense of humor, and isn't afraid of anyone. He is close to, yet independent from his family, he has the most generous and kind heart, he takes care of me, and each morning, each time I get ready to see him, I still get butterflies because I just have so much love for this wonderful man.
Sure I have had struggles and will continue to have struggles. I obsess about my weight and hair. But I try to focus on the now. The present. What is ahead of me. And how despite how many times life has knocked me down, it has also done a lot of good and surrounded me with wonderful people.13.5 days until a wonderful summer ahead, filled with vacations, pool time, lots of boyfriend time, friend time, and realizing how much better my life has become in the last year. If I only knew a year ago, what I know now, but I guess that is what time teaches us. Lessons. Appreciation. And Ultimately, life paves the path we were supposed to be, the one paved with fate, that lead me into the life I always wanted, into the arms of the man I was meant to spend my life with.
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