Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Better today

Better today.
It's amazing the difference a day makes.
It's the connection with other people, that listen, that somehow I need, people that understand, that get it.
I think we all need that.
I have some really big decisions to make, but it will be ok in the end, I just have to go with my gut I think. Decide what is the right decision. Give it some more time.
Feel happy:) content:) minorly stressed, but when am I not stressed?

more later, just wanted to express that I am still continuing my journey of HAPPINESS, and trying to remember than I am worth more that just how I feel on a bad day. and looking forward to Tuesday night TV, claro:)


Anonymous said...

You are worth more than how you feel on a bad day, plus some. Hope tomorrow is even better. :) See you in about a week!

Anonymous said...

You are worth more than how you feel on a bad day, plus some. Hope tomorrow is even better than today. See you in about a week! :)

Anonymous said...

oops i commented twice because i didn't realize you had to approve these haha! sooooo inteligente, i swear.