So what makes a perfect couple? Can opposite really attract? What is the
likelihood you find a long-term partner that enjoys EVERYTHING you do?
This particular quote really hits home for me. My belief is that there
is not one man that exists that will like everything I like, nor will I
like everything he likes. It is about dealing with our differences, how
we deal with our incompatibility that proves that a relationship can
last. |
Compromise is so important in any relationship. It is easy when things are good, it's when adversity hits that compromise is key. |
This is my life goal. This kind of partnership. Love. Commitment. Neither person ever giving up on the other. | | |
I am not a very religious person. But I like the image of this, and I like the words. It helps be have hope, faith, and belief that there are wonderful possibilities ahead even when we don't see them right now. |
I have always done this. I will always do this. I'm not sure if it gets be any further ahead, I am not sure that it is always returned to me, but as this quote says, it is a wonderful legacy to leave behind. And I pride myself on being a good person. |
Oh, laughter. Sarcasm. The ability to laugh at yourself, others, and make others laugh. Without laughter, I would not be where I am today. It helps me grow, it helps relationships grow, it's what makes life worth it. Entertaining. Inspiring. |
I think we all grow up with a plan for ourselves. We have an idea of what we want, where we see ourselves, where we want to go. For someone like me, I like plans. I like to follow that plan. And I expect that plan to come true. Then, the last few months came and I realized the plan you had for yourself can change in a matter of seconds. Everything you hoped, dreamed, wished for, came true and then was shattered into pieces by the person you loved most. Hurt. Disappointed. Sad. Depressed. Frustrated. Grief. Questions. But maybe there is more to life than our plan. Maybe part of my plan is to learn that you can't always count on your plan. To learn to be flexible. To see that there is a life, so much better, just waiting for me; and if I was trapped in my past life and past relationships I would never have the life I was mean to have. And that plan, is the one that is meant to be. I am a good person. I deserve good. I will find a good life that is waiting for me. |
I actually found this quote years and years ago back in college. It was the one quote that got me through one of the most challenging times of my life. It needs no further explanation. It hits home. It brings comfort.
Pushing myself through to my final days of summer with new people prospects, new job prospects, getting prepared for the life that is waiting for me. |
"I suppose that since most of our hurts come through our relationships, so will our healing."
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