Friday, July 26, 2013


So it was brought to my attention that there are rumors going on about me and my past relationships and what may or may not have happened. I have ONE thing to say:

FUCK YOU.  (and very loud chuckle).

I have never said one bad thing, never spread one rumor, just the honest truth. It is shame what lengths others (not to mention ADULT others!) will go just to save face. Such a damn shame.  It is my experience that people make up stories when they try to hide the truth or make themselves look better. Their issue though, certainly not mine. 

I am basking in the glow of such happiness and celebrating 6 beautiful months of the most healthy, beautiful relationship I could ever ask for. I have no regrets. I am no longer a prisoner in misery, but rather, freely happy, sharing my life with someone that accepts all of me, and opens his heart to hear the GOOD AND THE BAD, no matter what the consequences. There are no need for secrets, because our hearts are open to each other for whatever life throws our way. Another weekend away with my man and my confidence and love continues to soar. 

I dare you to try and stop me from living my life of man and I are armed with an abundance of love and happiness... and that, my friends, is enough to take ANYONE down who might come try to run us down:)

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